Installation and Maintenance

Equipment handling: how to do it safely?


Handling equipment: discover how to do it safely.
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Improper handling of equipment can make it a threat to employees. Especially since kitchens are work areas that involve risks to the health of those who use them.

Most of these risks can be avoided with proper organization and training of personnel. In addition, it is essential to take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of accidents and create a safe working environment.

At gaux we know that part of the success of a bakery lies in taking care of factors such as safety. So, we want to explain to you why handling your kitchen equipment safely means optimizing costs and extending its useful life.

Why is proper equipment handling important?

In bakeries several kind of products are prepared. To do so, they handle and control specialized equipment and machinery to speed up and increase productivity.

But why is proper handling of bakery equipment so important? First, because it is an excellent practice for maintaining a safe workspace and avoiding serious accidents or illnesses.

Secondly, because it increases the possibility of extending the useful life of equipment and tools. Third, because it helps to produce and offer quality products that for sure, will be highly valued by your customers.

In addition, the correct handling of equipment is essential to maintain the quality and hygiene of food and the work environment in general. Beyond facilitating work, they also help to:

  • Avoid cross-contamination.
  • Protect food quality.
  • Help to reduce costs.
  • Suppress or minimize common work hazards.
  • Prevent entrapment with moving part.
  • Avoid cuts, burns and shocks.
  • To reduce overexertion and body fatigue.
  • Prevent electrical hazards, fires and explosions.
  • Avoid contact with caustic and corrosive substances..
Proper handling of bakery equipment and machinery can be overlooked, either because they are not known or because they don't appear to be that dangerous. Share on X

What you should keep in mind for a safe work

Handhabung der Ausrüstung: Was Sie für ein sicheres Arbeiten beachten sollten.
Photo by peoplecreations on Freepik

In einigen Großküchen oder Bäckereien gibt es offizielle Präventionsroutinen, die so genannten “Pre-Operational-Routines”. Ihr Ziel ist es, den guten Zustand der Geräte zu Beginn des Arbeitstages zu überprüfen.

In this scenario, the worker is responsible for filling out a pre-established checklist before handling the equipment. Likewise, when they finish using them, they must leave them clean and ready for the next day.

These are some basic precautions to ensure the safety of your work equipment and avoid accidents. Next, we will see other more specific ones, which aim to prevent dangerous situations, damages and production stoppages.


Sometimes it may happen that the rules established for handling equipment in the kitchen of your business are not clear. Let us clarify some of them:

  • Make sure that the equipment you will use is safe and has effective coatings. They must be made of a material that does not transmit toxic substances, odors, tastes, non-absorbent and corrosion resistant. In addition, they must be able to withstand repeated cleaning and disinfection. Also, they should be easy to disassemble and with moving parts that allow lubrication, without contaminating food.
  • Always use the proper equipment for each part of the bread, cake or pastry making process.
  • Move any equipment that may present an obstacle and cause tripping. If cannot be moved, point it out sufficiently, so that it does not go unnoticed.
  • Frequently remove stains caused by water, oil or grease..
  • Operate with protective utensils according to manufacturer's specifications. For example, gloves, goggles and footwear that is suitable for the workplace.
  • Make sure equipment is not running and use brushes to clean it.
  • Protect moving parts. Use them with proper safety devices and avoid contact with hands.
  • Maintain equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Never use equipment incorrectly.
Before turning on any equipment that uses gas, ventilate the area where it is located, to avoid accumulations that can generate inflammation. Share on X


In kitchens there are a multitude of electrical equipment that are handled with wet hands, feet or clothing. Thus, the workplace become a risk factor that can cause accidents by direct or indirect contact.

It is of vital importance to have a safe workplace as a priority making sure to:

  • Perform periodic maintenance. Always carried out by qualified personnel.
  • Do not pour liquids near electrical outlets or electrical panels.
  • Never overload the installations by plugging several pieces of equipment into the same outlet.
  • Discard equipment that is in poor condition or has suffered a blow.
  • Keep hands, feet and clothing completely dry before using electrical appliances.
  • Use dielectric gloves and footwear according to the regulations of each country.
  • Never try to manipulate or repair objects, devices or installations related to electricity and respect the signaling.
  • Make periodic tests of the conditions of the business electrical installation.
  • If any equipment has suffered a blow, kneaders, mixers and bread ovens, do not use them until they are checked by a specialist.

Physical agents

Equipment handling: ensure adequate ventilation and lighting.
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  • Perform frequent maintenance on all your equipment inside and outside the business. This includes mixers, dough mixers, bread ovens, exhaust fans or hoods, fire extinguishers and any others.
  • Install fans and extraction hoods in an area away from the work area.
  • Place signs on machines or equipment that operate at high temperatures.
  • Create rest break times when carrying out work that is highly exposed to the influence of heat.
  • Regulate temperatures according to the conditions and requirements of the room.
Make sure that the workplace has adequate and sufficient ventilation and lighting for proper handling of equipment. Share on X


Many of the tips we exposed here will apply according to the equipment handling and size of the business. The larger the quantity and the larger the equipment, the more safety measurements should be taken.

At gaux we have the right team of experts and consultants to provide solutions and production processes to your bakery. In addition, we reduce your investment costs with high quality used equipment.

Contact us to know more.

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