If you're an entrepreneur, salesperson, or you are trying to grow your business, you're probably familiar with the term sales plan.
Indeed, you know that to sell more and better, you need to create strategies and business processes aligned with the current market, the needs of your target audience, the values and goals of the company. All of these elements are an integral part of the sales program.
In consideration, from gaux we want to share 5 key steps so that you can prepare it in your bakery business. Thus, you can attract customers, increase sales, enhance the image of your business and more.
1. Plan ahead
To sell products or services it is essential to establish objectives, tools and processes necessary to achieve them. It is the only way to define the route and ensure the success in your bakery business.
Now, if you want to establish your sales plan for next year, then the ideal time to start planning is the beginning of the last quarter. Thus, you will have enough time to:
- Collect business information.
- Analyze all the metrics and the current position of your bakery.
- Evaluate the desired objectives of the business.
- Define the market in which you want to enter.
- Identify bakery resources.
- Locate the tools that support your current sales efforts.
2. Evaluate previous results

It is about thinking on the strategies that worked and helped to increase sales, as well as the mistakes that were made and affected the goals and the successes that made you achieve or exceed them.
In other words, it is essential to evaluate, question and understand if the last plan worked before replicating the next one. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the metrics of the period and consider them when preparing the new plan.
With the results you can estimate all the sales scenarios that you may face Share on X3. Set goals and objectives
With the data seen and the analysis of previous results, it is time to set goals and objectives. Both must be: realistic, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and with a defined period of time.
The most suitable thing is to establish them in terms of short and long periods. For example, months, quarters, semesters, or years.
Remember to establish metrics to measure sales objectives and set goals for each predefined objective.
4. Know the expectations and behaviors of your customers

A sales plan with good success possibilities must always be built in line with the expectations and behavior of customers. It is key to focus on who is going to buy the bakery products.
That is, focus on people who are recurring customers, who are already part of your base and in those you want to win over. This strategy is effective for:
- Draw a deeper profile of current customers and target audience.
- Identify which of your products are ideal for them.
- At what point do these products have the highest sales?
- Adapt the product or create new ones that adapt to the needs and expectations of customers and the target audience.
- Reflect the correct way to address your customers and target audience.
- Create a marketing strategy that can include communication and event management.
- Get new customers continuously.
- Gain market share.
- Keep the customers that the bakery already has.
5. Have a plan B
The sales plan of a bakery is not a document or a tool infallible or immutable. Therefore, it must be thought of, elaborated and put into practice with an acceptable and measurable margin of flexibility.
Especially beacuse the economic situation, consumer preferences and the market can change at any time. So, it is essential to have 3 scenarios on the table: a pessimistic one, a realistic one, and an optimistic one. In addition to being ready to act in each of them.
This strategic action translates into having a plan B for your sales strategy. As well as being prepared to attend eventualities and get out of them.
In this context, you cannot miss a thorough investigation of your direct competition, trends, the market and new technologies. Especially those related to the production line, machinery and bakery equipment.
Thus, you can find out who you are competing against and enhance the elements of your bakery that can make a difference. And in the process, making products stand out in the marketplace and give you a noticeable competitive advantage.
A good sales plan allows you to create value for the organization and be prepared to respond, profitably and efficiently, to changes that occur in the market Share on XConclusion
The sales plan is a fundamental document for the proper functioning of a bakery. In addition, it is very useful to implement new business ideas, get new customers and keep current ones.
At the same time, it can help the company to overcome possible problems in the future. For example, with the flow of capital, excess or lack of employees, low stock or miscalculations in the purchase of raw materials.
If you need a plan adjusted to the needs of your bakery, at gaux we have the right team of professionals to advise you. Contact us and we will advise you so that you can significantly increase the efficiency of your business.
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